Introducing Our Latest Site - REPOSITORY

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After months of endless brainstorming and tiresome planning, we're proud to finally announce the launch of our latest site, REPOSITORY!Though there are still a few kinks to iron out and the hardest work is still ahead of us, we're really excited to see what you, the reader, think of REPOSITORY thus far and as well for the next steps.Take a look at REPOSITORY by hopping over to the site now » What's REPOSITORY All About?We've been really fortunate to see some great traction in the world of raw denim, so we thought why not expand to a higher level?Thus, the goal of REPOSITORY is to be your comprehensive resource to menswear. We want to help you make more intelligent and informed decisions not just when it comes raw denim, but when it comes to all other menswear categories.Regardless of where you live, what you do for a living, or even what your personal style is like, we hope to take the guesswork out of simple questions like "What should I look for when I buy an Oxford Shirt?", "What are a few good options for lightweight jackets?", and "What other related magazines or publishers should I subscribe to?"We mean it too. From product maintenance and buyer guides to editorial profiles on various products and brands, no topic is too granular to be overlooked. We will try to cover every question you might ask related to any facet of menswear.In terms of its current features, REPOSITORY offers a growing dictionary, handful of definitive buyer guides, and wide range of articles which meld educational content with showcasing trends and new releases.If you'd like to learn more about the story and website, click here. What's Next?Now that REPOSITORY is up and running, the focus for the next little while is to keep publishing fresh and useful content. However, we'll soon be working on some tools and wild ideas that we've been brewing up (not to mention some pretty amazing giveaways!).If you'd like to keep up to date with each article from our new venture, we recommend you subscribe to the free newsletter. Otherwise, if you'd prefer to receive updates another way, you can always follow along via any of the below:  Google+  Facebook  Twitter  Instagram  Tumblr  RSSIf you have any questions, please email us at: [email protected] you again for signing up to Rawr Denim!RawrDenim.comHome of Everything Raw and Denim