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Posts from Heddels for 10/03/2023


Heddels is the leading destination for those seeking to understand and find well-made, enduring denim, footwear, and other clothing that improves with wear.

By Zach Liollio on Oct 02, 2023 06:00 am

Frogskin, known colloquially as ‘Duck Hunter Camo’ is one of the most appreciated camouflage patterns within the heritage clothing scene. The exact reason why brands like The Real McCoy’s, Warehouse & Co, and many more choose to reproduce Frogskin pieces so often isn’t completely known, however, the pattern’s roots in World War II — specifically the Pacific War era — mean that Frogskin pieces were widely issued and thus became a memorable piece of the sartorial history of the War.

While we have touched on Frogskin camo in Understanding Camo: The 13 Patterns to Know, we haven’t hopped into its rich history, until now. In this 2-part article, we will look at the beginnings of Frogskin camo, its uses, and how it came to clad the backs of soldiers from many different nations – even the enemy.

Cubanos Exaltados

It’s 1960, and the violent revolution back in Cuba has been over for a year. However, some Cubanos exaltados—exiles from the same nation—feel there is unfinished business with Fidel Castro.

You fled with your surviving family to Miami. One day, a friend-of-a-friend approaches you with an opportunity as you walk home from the employment office. A millionaire exaltado is recruiting men for a dangerous mission to reclaim the homeland and reunite families torn apart by ideologies. Whisked away to Central America, you find yourself among a growing army of your fellow Cubans in a military training camp. The goal: march into Havana and capture Castro. The tactics and training, the machine guns and tanks, and the strange men who dispense them are indeed working for a rich man—a man who goes by “Uncle Sam!” It’s an unspoken reality that the CIA is orchestrating an invasion.

Cuban exiles training for the upcoming operation. Image via laststandzombieisland.

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