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Posts from Heddels for 12/07/2023


Heddels is the leading destination for those seeking to understand and find well-made, enduring denim, footwear, and other clothing that improves with wear.

By Karu on Dec 07, 2023 12:01 am

The raw denim niche is kinda stupid. A niche founded on blue trousers, fabric weight, and the way a garment changes color? A niche founded on warps, wefts, and slubs? (even Dr. Seuss would giggle).

But stupidity isn’t bad. I find solace in this stupidity; a trivial yet pure appreciation of something simple. The raw denim niche is a bit stupid, sure. But hidden within this stupidity, I find the preservation and understanding of good old things. This stupid niche is founded on authenticity, craftsmanship, and longevity. In our shared stupidity, denim geeks find solace and joy.

But even in stupidity, I have my limits. I draw these limits when washing our stupid jeans. I write this article half in jest, half in annoyance of Reddit scientists, and fully in defense of the frequent wash.


Image via Bespoke Post

Like many other denim geeks, learning how to wash raw denim is part of my orientation process of getting into raw denim. Hours on end were spent consulting the experts of Reddit and YouTube. But these experts seemed to have given me alchemy recipes, not laundry tips.

“…Add around 1 spoonful of mild non-bleach liquid detergent and white vinegar.Wash in a washing machine at maximum 40°C (100°F) and a spin cycle of no more than 900 RPMs…”

“… submerge them in lukewarm water. Allow the jeans to soak for at least an hour, agitating gently every fifteen minutes or so, then rinse them repeatedly until no trace of cleaner remains.”

“Let your jeans get dirty as long as possible, go swimming in the ocean wearing your jeans, rub them with dry sand and repeat several times. Rinse in fresh (not salt) water and let dry in the sun.”

The repair procedures of a Ferrari are undoubtedly more troublesome than that of a Toyota. The care instructions of a pure cashmere sweater are more complicated and delicate than a Gildan hoodie. So, surely a pair of Samurais deserve more attention and steps than a pair of mall-bought Levi’s? Perhaps when we buy something expensive, we expect the complexity of the care process to reflect the luxury? I guess inconvenience is the facade of quality.

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