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Posts from Heddels for 07/31/2023


Heddels is the leading destination for those seeking to understand and find well-made, enduring denim, footwear, and other clothing that improves with wear.

By Brad Lanphear on Jul 31, 2023 12:01 am

One weekend each month, the sidewalk is abuzz on a short stretch of East 3rd St, just off the corner of 1st Ave, in New York’s East Village. Crowds and commotion are commonplace in the Big Apple but this one stands apart for the sheer density of glorious fits to behold. Rarely, outside of Fashion Week, will you find so many fashion enthusiasts showing out in one location. Unlike fashion week, these crowds aren’t gathered to worship some designer. They’re here to see each other and admire the collections of vintage clothing and original artwork each attendee has assembled -ideally picking up a few pieces in the process. This congregation goes by the name Alfargo’s Marketplace, and it is a headliner of New York’s growing pop-up vintage scene.

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