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Posts from Heddels for 09/07/2023


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By Brad Lanphear on Sep 07, 2023 12:01 am

The story of conchas (also known as conchos) represents the complex cultural interchange between Native American tribes and the Europeans who overtook their land. Silversmithing techniques were introduced to Native Americans in the nineteenth century by Spanish colonists. Navajo tribes — who already possessed a rich history of metalworking — quickly incorporated silver using the minted Spanish coins as the most readily available source. Silver conchas became important cultural artifacts that represented individual artists, areas, and tribes. 

During the late nineteenth century, American settlers in the Western United States appropriated conchas for their stylistic beauty while ignoring the cultural significance of the individual pieces. And while these pieces of intricately adorned silver have had their time in the limelight through icons like Jim Morrison and Ralph Lauren, efforts to shine a light on the history and cultural significance of conchas have not followed. 

In this piece, we’re taking a dive into the history of the concha, covering their first known origins, developments through the decades, and their relevance in our niche today

What are Conchas?

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