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Posts from Heddels for 10/09/2023


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By Zach Liollio on Oct 09, 2023 12:01 am

Frogskin, known colloquially as ‘Duck Hunter Camo’ is one of the most appreciated camouflage patterns within the heritage clothing scene. The exact reason why brands like The Real McCoy’s, Warehouse & Co, and many more choose to reproduce Frogskin pieces so often isn’t completely known, however, the pattern’s roots in World War II — specifically the Pacific War era — mean that Frogskin pieces were widely issued and thus became a memorable piece of the sartorial history of the War.

In Part 1, we look at Frogskin’s beginnings in World War II through to its use in the Korean War and beyond. In this piece, we’ll be following Frogskin to Vietnam and looking at its utilitarian use outside of the battlefield, plus where to find great examples of frogskin on the modern market.

Colonial Conflicts and Proxy Wars

The Dutch East Indies Special Troops Corps (KST) drew upon a diverse set of recruits during the Indonesian National Revolution (1945-1949). Both the Netherlands and later Indonesia would field their own frogskin interpretations. This 1949 image was found via laststandzombieisland.

Soviet and Western interests shaped the postwar period like two great tectonic plates. Wherever their ideologies collided, countries were shaken along colonial fault lines that could open up and swallow entire continents. The aftershock of a new, unfamiliar type of warfare sent military planners reeling. These conflicts—from Indochina to Cuba—were devoid of the grand World War maneuvers and instead relied upon nimble hit-and-run tactics. Fighting ideas instead of armies became a crux of the late 20th century.

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