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Posts from Heddels for 08/10/2023


Heddels is the leading destination for those seeking to understand and find well-made, enduring denim, footwear, and other clothing that improves with wear.

By Kadeem Roper on Aug 10, 2023 12:01 am

This is the second part of How Baseball Influenced Menswear. Be sure to check out Part 1, first. 

The Yankees Logo


(Left) Jay-Z via SILive (Right) Diddy via MLB.com

The Yankees logo stands as one of the most iconic logos in the world. Ever. From the grimy blocks of the Bronx to the runways of high fashion, the emblem has left an indelible mark on the sartorial landscape, perhaps even more so than the team itself.


NYPD Medal of Valor via MLB.com

Way back in the early 1900s when the Empire State Building was but a dream, the New York Highlanders decided to rebrand as the New York Yankees, and the infamous interlocking “NY” insignia was chosen as the club’s emblem. Interestingly enough, the logo predated even the team itself. As the story goes, the icon was originally designed by Louis B. Tiffany (of Tiffany’s fame) as a Medal of Valor presented to John McDowell, the first New York police officer killed in the line of duty back in 1877. The 1909 “Big Bill” Devery, co-owner of the Yankees and also the former chief of police, decided to appropriate the design for his ball club. However, while this is the story the team tells, history has cast doubt on Devery’s involvement at all, seeing as he was known to be a police official of notoriously corrupt character.

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