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Posts from Heddels for 08/14/2023


Heddels is the leading destination for those seeking to understand and find well-made, enduring denim, footwear, and other clothing that improves with wear.

By Daniel Rockburn on Aug 14, 2023 12:01 am

I can think of few accessories as essential as a wallet. “Phone, wallet, keys” is an Adam Sandler-coined mantra that I play in my head when I’m heading out the door. Unless you’re locked into Apple Pay or some other digital payment service, chances are extremely high that you’re carrying a wallet, and if you’re not… how? Invisible as they may be (until they leave a pocket fade on your raw denim), wallets are as important as anything you’ll carry, and I don’t think many would argue against that.

Do the staff at Heddels only carry big George Costanza-esque Bi-Folds? Or are we all more into the minimal, only-the-essentials, cardholder carry? Is sustainability in materials something we prefer, or even consider at all? How many of us carry hand-cut and crafted wallets, in line with our desire to wear meticulously constructed clothing, or does form and function trump craftsmanship?

Why trust us? Well, we’ve all been in the game long enough to have field-tested a range of quality clothing, and the Heddels operation puts us onto some of the best clothing in the world week in, week out. Whilst our opinions and experiences shouldn’t be taken as definitive, this series will provide you insight into what has worked for us and why.

David – Custom Fish Leather Cardholder


When we made the first iteration of the Quint Hat, I experimented with a variety of different fish leathers. One of which, had a great feel, texture, and durability, but ultimately had to be nixed because the source of the leather was completely unsustainable. It did, however, leave me with a couple of square feet of it that I kept because I hate throwing good material away.

A few years later, I was renting desk space in Winter Session‘s workshop and Cole, one of their leather-workers, saw the scrap and said he would make me a wallet out of it if he could make one for himself. About a week later, I had this surf n turf beauty on my desk.

I had only had a bifold before then, a present for my 10th birthday, and I hesitantly relocated all my cards and knick-knacks into it like a downsizing hermit crab. But what a joy it’s been to go minimal. With a half-dozen cards on each outer pocket and my cash sandwiched in between, the thing is a solid brick without any give or mid-purchase fumbling.

We recreated the wallet in a much more ecological salmon leather a few years ago, but I plan on holding on to my sample until I turn at least 50.

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