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Posts from Heddels for 09/11/2023


Heddels is the leading destination for those seeking to understand and find well-made, enduring denim, footwear, and other clothing that improves with wear.

By Kadeem Roper on Sep 11, 2023 12:01 am

As we transition from the waning sun-kissed days of summer to the crisp chill of fall and winter, it’s about to start getting real with the fits. In other words, it’s time to really start dressing. But while we usually envision swapping out our breezy camp collars, 5-inch inseams, and dad sandals for heavy trousers, warm jumpers, and sturdy boots, one aspect of Q4 fashion that often goes overlooked is the humble pajama. So grab a piping hot cup of chamomile, wrap yourself in your favorite blanket, and nestle up in a cocoon of comfort as we take you down a tour of winter couture’s unheralded MVP.

What Are Pajamas?


Clark Gable as Peter Warne in “It Happened One Night” decked out in a pajama set of dark silk covered in white mini polka-dots

First things first, let’s get down to brass tacks. Are they called “Pajamas” or “Pyjamas”? Well, as a no-good American imperialist who believes we’re superior when it comes to things like sports, food, and Fahrenheit for describing the weather (75 degrees for a perfectly warm day just makes way more sense than 24, I’m sorry), I’m team “Pajamas“. Now, our pals across the Atlantic might lean into the “Pyjama” spelling, but hey, for the sake of this piece, we’re gonna roll with the American preference.

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