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Posts from Heddels for 07/18/2022


Heddels is the leading destination for those seeking to understand and find well-made, enduring denim, footwear, and other clothing that improves with wear.

By Daniel Rockburn on Jul 18, 2022 12:01 am

American Trench has graciously donated a $200 gift card to one lucky Heddels+ member for our next giveaway. That’s 200 big bucks to spend on a lot of amazing apparel — including all the basics, outerwear, accessories, and home goods you can find over at American Trench. If you’re chosen, you’ll be able to grab a ton of great Made in USA gear to refresh your wardrobe.

Once you’ve depleted that credit, c’mon down to the Heddels+ Discord and let me know what you picked up, I’ll be sure to respond and react with a true expression of my jealousy. Who doesn’t love free stuff? People reading this who aren’t yet subscribed to Heddels+, that’s my guess.

You can find out more about Heddels+ and sign up here

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