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Posts from Heddels for 08/28/2023


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By Brad Lanphear on Aug 28, 2023 12:01 am

Every generation has its coming-of-age stories. Nuances vary from generation to generation but the same underlying story arc is eternal. A teenager is faced with the prospect of adulthood, an unknown abyss of responsibilities and rules, and an existential crisis ensues. There is often a love story woven into the plot, navigating the evolving intricacies of romance as they change from childhood to adulthood. Humans have been telling coming-of-age stories for millennia, with examples surviving from as far as Ancient Greece and the oral tradition likely going back far further. However, the cinematic coming-of-age template was created less than a century ago in 1995’s Rebel Without A Cause. 

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We first meet Jim drunk in a police station. Image via Warner Bros.

The first thing that people often misunderstand about Rebel Without A Cause is that James Dean’s starring role as Jim is not the titular Rebel. In fact, the title is a reference to the entire generation represented by Jim and his fellow high school students. History has dubbed them the Silent Generation, those who were born between the start of the Great Depression in 1929 and the end of World War II in 1945. Rebel Without A Cause was created to give a voice to the Silent Generation by depicting the struggles it faced growing up in the shadow of the greatest economic catastrophe and the greatest conflict in modern human history. To understand the film is to understand the generation.

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