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Posts from Heddels for 10/23/2023


Heddels is the leading destination for those seeking to understand and find well-made, enduring denim, footwear, and other clothing that improves with wear.

By Oli Stevenson on Oct 23, 2023 12:01 am

Like so much of the clothing we love, lineman boots started their journey as pure utilitarian workwear. But, unlike other workwear silhouettes we love, chore jackets, painter pants, and the like, lineman boots have a really specific use and unique features to boot.

Lineman boots were developed as work boots for linemen or lineworkers — professionals whose job involves work on electrical transmission lines, which involved scaling poles and trees without a ladder. The development of the profession — and, consequently, of lineman boots — is closely tied with the introduction and expansion of electricity networks in America in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

With the profession still alive today, lineman boots are still produced, and there are also some heritage brands making their own amazing versions. We thought it was time to break down the lineman boot, looking at what exactly it is, where it came from, and why it matters.

What is a Lineman Boot?


Lineman Boots via Nick’s Handmade Boots

Scaling poles, trees, and pylons every day is going to put a lot of stress on your footwear, so line workers needed a leather boot that was going to be able to deal with their difficult, perilous work. This led to lineman boots having some very distinctive features that were originally developed for safety, but also make them unique in the world of boots.

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