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Posts from Heddels for 05/29/2023


Heddels is the leading destination for those seeking to understand and find well-made, enduring denim, footwear, and other clothing that improves with wear.

By Zach Liollio on May 29, 2023 12:01 am

Successful camping is a series of small victories. For example, have you ever cooked a breakfast at home that rivaled even the best late-night diner food? Now try the same over a bundle of damp twigs. Yet, despite the challenges of getting the fire started in the predawn darkness as you fumble with waterproof matches, the end result somehow tastes… better. Breakfast was a triumph, one of many in the last twelve hours. From packing your gear to setting up your tent and managing your water supply, you’ve surmounted these tasks like a mountain man.


A very plush and pastel camping set-up unfolds atop this 1959 Ford Country Squire. This photo captures the pushbutton “Station Wagon Living” concept that never made it to market. Image via Shorpy.com

This isn’t a piece about van camping. There won’t be another mention of “glamping” beyond this sentence. Real camping is more of a partnership with nature where you cultivate self-sufficiency and utility. I won’t lie to you, there are challenges like the one described above. Let’s delve into understanding the most basic aspects.

Why Camp?


Actor Don Cheadle (right) spends some quality time with survivalist and former SAS operator Bear Grylls. Over the years, Bear’s spartan outdoor prowess has inspired the movement of “tramping.” Image via Running Wild with Bear Grylls/NBC.

The skills that we hone by camping not only make us more “practical,” but they also make us more confident as human beings. A successful person is the sum of small victories, like the examples listed in the first paragraph above. Not to mention, you learn to be flexible and adaptable.


Panning for gold is harder than it looks. This instructional sketch was made by the author while camping at a mining claim. Image via Z. P. Liollio/Facebook


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