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Posts from Heddels for 10/16/2023


Heddels is the leading destination for those seeking to understand and find well-made, enduring denim, footwear, and other clothing that improves with wear.

By William Reynolds on Oct 16, 2023 01:00 am

In the rugged landscape of American workwear, there have always been giants; names that echo through generations like Carhartt, Dickies, and Filson. For years, they’ve been the bedrock upon which the nation’s laborers have built their dreams, clad in garments designed to withstand the harshest elements and the toughest tasks. But the tides of time have a way of ushering in change, and in recent years, the workwear scene has witnessed a remarkable evolution.

Enter the pioneers, the risk-takers, and the visionaries—the small but mighty workwear brands that are redefining the industry and spearheading a workwear resurgence. Among them stands Randy’s Garments, a promising star on the horizon of the American workwear landscape, defying the dominance of the behemoths. But unlike other disruptors, like Rosa Rogusa, for example, another emerging workwear brand headed up by Matty Matheson —Canada’s very own cherished culinary maestro and all-round good guy — Mr. Brandon Portelli, the man behind Randy’s Garments, is an elusive character. Seldom would you find him skulking about in black shades and leather fingerless gloves, posing for pictures on runways. You’re more likely to find him hunched over a makeshift wooden desk in the middle of New York’s Garment District, pensively looking over new designs with tape measure in hand. 

In this exclusive interview, we delve into the fascinating story of Randy’s Garments, a brand at the forefront of workwear innovation, and the spirit of innovation and passion that drives Mr. Portelli himself. 

William Reynolds: Hey, Brandon. Thanks for taking the time to speak with us. We like what we’ve seen of Randy’s Garments so far, and we’re keen to learn more about the brand. How are you and how has 2023 treated you so far?

Brandon Portelli: Thanks for thinking of me and Randy’s. I’ve been a fan for many years now. I’ve just wrapped up and launched FW23, so feeling much lighter. Few weeks left of no stress ahead before SS24 production starts and FW24 sampling.

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