Forum Announcement

Join Our Freshly Launched Forum!

We're just launched our Discussion Forum - our latest site feature at!

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Goto! - Just Launched! 

Click here to join the Forum!

As some of you may have noticed, we launched our latest feature last week - the Discussion Forum!We know there are other forums out there and we're the new kid on the block - so why should you join ours?1. Help Build a CommunityWe've done a lot of yapping ourselves but know you've got a lot to say. We want to hear more of what's on your mind and know others do too. Or even if you just have a small question about your denim, you've come to the right place.2. Know The Latest ProductsStaying on top of your favorite brand's latest products is getting easier, but still not without challenges. We have dedicated Brands and Retailers areas that we are working hard to become your hub for all product updates!3. Get Our Denim GiveawaysLast, but not least, we will be using our Forum for all product promotions, including our special denim giveaways. Hint: Keep an eye out for May 1st ;)  > Join The Forum! <